The Planes
The High Flying Club owns a well-maintained 1973 Piper Cherokee Six. Model number PA-32-300. Tail number N40784. The plane has six forward-facing seats and a useful load of 1400 lbs. This IFR-certified craft has a beautiful modern panel with two Garmin G5 units, GFC 500 Auto-pilot, Flight Stream 210, Garmin WAAS 430, and Garmin GTX 345 ADS-B Transponder. We added a 1979 Piper Arrow Turbo. The tail number is N2825K. This is also an IFR-certified craft.
The Owners
The owners are an eclectic group of aviators ranging from $100 hamburger chasers to IFR cross-country adventurers. With a limited number of owners, the plane's availability is not a problem. Our member meetings are on the 3rd Saturday of each month beginning at 9:00 AM. During the warmer months, the club plans periodic social events.
Our Cherokee Six is a six-place, fixed-gear, PA-32-300. It has a fuel-injected 300-hp Lycoming IO-540 engine. This roomy plane boasts a useful load of 1400 pounds. Lover's of the Cherokee Six say if it fits, it flies, BUT do the weight and balance calculations. The pilot operating handbook states the Cherokee Six has a true airspeed of 138 knots at 65% power at altitude. Use 130 knots for planning.

Just Added
We recently added a Piper Arrow Turbo. The Arrow is a four-place, retractable-gear turbo, PA-28RT-201T. It has a fuel-injected Continental TSIO-360-FB engine. This plane has a useful load of 950 pounds. Climbs at 900 FPM at sea level and has a service ceiling of 20,000'. The plane can cruise at 168 knots at altitude, sipping 11 GPH, at 75% power. Auburn DeKalb County Airport will be its home.