Become an Owner
The High Flying Club is an equity ownership club.
It's a fun group of eccentric flyers
Group socials like cookouts, trips, and tours
Two planes with options – at the same rate
Only 6-seater in the area with a significant useful load
Fast and high-flying 4-seater
Low entry and operational costs
Many experienced pilots
Two ATP as members
In-club A&P and CFI
IFR-capable machines

To be eligible to fly any club plane a member must:
1. Have a current and valid Private, Commercial, or ATP Certificate as required for the plane flown.
2. Have a Current and Effective Medical Certificate.
3. Meet all FAA regulations.
4. Satisfy the FAA’s Flight Review Requirements.
5. Satisfactorily complete a check ride with a club-approved instructor.
6. Meet the club’s and the club’s Insurance policy requirements